[arve url=”https://youtu.be/SLJIwWXrDQA” title=”Octoberfest Cape Coral 2018″ description=”Octoberfest Cape Coral ” /]
Season is starting and it is getting more and more entertaining in Southwestflorida. Not that it would be kind of dead off season but due to the high temperatures and the humidity most of the activities in summer will be indoor activities.
Currently it is the time for Octoberfests. The most likely best known and largest is the Octoberfest at Cape Coral. For two weekends you can get the “bavarian lifestyle” under the Floridian sun. There is German and domestich beer in steins as well as Schweinshaxen, Strudel or Sauerbraten with Knoedel. That’s all kind of German food that you might not know nut it’s worth giving it a try. But don’t worry, if you prefer burgers, turkeylegs etc. you will find that as well.
But take a look and see that you will also find all kinds of costumes and Dirndls:
In order to make visitors familiar with what a real bavarian needs there is also a broad variety of showcase for agricultural tools and machines as well as tools for landscaping but also Real estate and much more. So, a “Fest” and fairy as well – with a lot of information and pleasure.
And not to forget the gorgeous music that is provided. There are several live band performing, including German “Knappenkapelle Kropfmuehl”, just to name one of them. They play international tunes as well as German favorites and introduce German “Gemuetlichkeit” with all enthusiasm and professionalism. And with some “Ein Prosit…” or “zicke zacke hoi hoi hoi” everyone has a good time.
Finally there is a lot of dancing and we tried to unwrap our Viennesse Waltz that we learned in our German Dance school (thank you Tina and Eugen Fritz from Tanzschule Fritz in Freiburg). But obviously we lost some though we still have a lot of fun, check out our video.
Curious for part two about events in SWFL? Look forward to “Halloween on Naples’ 5th Ave S, the event will be on Oct 31st, we will keep you posted!